1. Google Analytics Bloghttps://analytics.googleblog.com/ The official blog for Google Analytics, a major tool in the digital analytics space, featuring updates, best practices, and advanced insights.

  2. Moz Bloghttps://moz.com/blog A leading resource on SEO, inbound marketing, and analytics. Moz is recognized as an authority in the SEO space.

  3. Kissmetrics Bloghttps://www.kissmetricshq.com/blog A platform dedicated to analytics, marketing, and testing with actionable metrics and insights for growth.

  4. Analytics Vidhyahttps://www.analyticsvidhya.com/ A community for analytics and data science professionals offering a plethora of knowledge resources.

  5. Marketing Landhttps://marketingland.com/ Covers all aspects of the digital marketing industry, offering daily news with insights and analytics trends.

  6. HubSpot Bloghttps://blog.hubspot.com/ HubSpot’s inbound marketing-focused blog providing extensive insights on various digital marketing topics.

  7. Simo Ahava’s Bloghttps://www.simoahava.com/ Simo Ahava is a recognized Google Analytics advocate. His blog provides deep dives into advanced analytics concepts.

  8. CXLhttps://cxl.com/ Focused on optimization and growth, offering articles, courses, and resources about A/B testing and web analytics.

  9. Data Science Centralhttps://www.datasciencecentral.com/ A comprehensive site for data professionals, from data science to statistical analysis and big data.

  10. Crazy Egg Bloghttps://www.crazyegg.com/blog/ Offers insights into user experience, A/B testing, and web performance, complementing their heatmap tool.

  11. Adobe Analytics Bloghttps://theblog.adobe.com/digital-marketing/analytics/ Adobe’s take on the digital analytics space, offering insights from one of the industry’s major tools.

  12. Digital Analytics Power Hourhttp://www.analyticshour.io/ A podcast dedicated to discussions on digital analytics topics with industry experts.

  13. Tableau Publichttps://public.tableau.com/en-us/s/gallery A platform by Tableau showcasing visualizations, it’s a hub for data enthusiasts to share their work.

  14. Looker Bloghttps://looker.com/blog The blog from Looker, focusing on data exploration, insights, and the value of being data-driven.

  15. Optimizely Bloghttps://www.optimizely.com/optimization-glossary/ A resource from the A/B testing tool Optimizely, with in-depth articles on optimization.

  16. Mixpanel Bloghttps://mixpanel.com/blog/ Offers insights into product analytics and user behavior from one of the leading tools in the space.

  17. Domo Bloghttps://www.domo.com/blog/ Focuses on business intelligence, data visualization, and the importance of data-driven decision making.

  18. Digital Analytics Associationhttps://www.digitalanalyticsassociation.org/ A professional organization promoting the understanding and use of digital analytics in business.

  19. Data Visualization Societyhttps://www.datavisualizationsociety.com/ A society dedicated to promoting data visualization, offering resources, and discussions for professionals.

  20. E-Nor Analytics Bloghttps://www.e-nor.com/blog/ Focused on digital analytics strategy, offering insights, and deep dives into Google Analytics and other tools.

  21. OptimizeSmarthttps://www.optimizesmart.com/ Guided by Himanshu Sharma, this blog provides insights on conversion optimization and Google Analytics.

  22. MeasureSchoolhttps://measureschool.com/ A hub for learning about Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics, offering tutorials and courses.

  23. Oribi Bloghttps://www.oribi.io/blog Covers a broad range of topics in digital analytics and offers insights into using the Oribi tool effectively.

  24. Segment Bloghttps://segment.com/blog/ Provides updates and deep dives into data integration, customer data platforms, and the overall importance of clean data.

  25. Snowplow Bloghttps://snowplowanalytics.com/blog/ Covers topics ranging from event data collection to data modeling and analytics infrastructure.

  26. DataDrivenUhttps://www.datadrivenu.com/blog/ Focused on Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and data visualization with in-depth tutorials.

  27. Online Behaviorhttps://online-behavior.com/ A platform focusing on marketing measurement and optimization, covering Google Analytics and broader topics.

  28. ClickZhttps://www.clickz.com/ Provides the latest news and insights in digital marketing, technology, and other related fields.

  29. Analytics Maniahttps://www.analyticsmania.com/ Julius Fedorovicius offers tutorials and insights primarily on Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

  30. Avinash Kaushik’s Occam’s Razorhttps://www.kaushik.net/avinash/ Avinash, a digital marketing evangelist for Google, shares advanced insights into analytics and optimization.

  31. Jeffalyticshttps://www.jeffalytics.com/ Run by Jeff Sauer, this platform offers courses, blogs, and videos primarily around Google Analytics.

  32. Annie Cushing’s Annielyticshttps://www.annielytics.com/blog/ Annie offers in-depth guides and tutorials focusing on data visualization, Google Analytics, and SEO.

  33. Charles Farina’s Analytics Proshttps://www.analyticspros.com/blog/ Covering a wide array of topics from Google Analytics to broader digital strategies.

  34. Data & Sonshttps://www.dataandsons.com/ A marketplace for data and insights, with accompanying blogs discussing various data-centric topics.

  35. Web Analytics Worldhttps://www.webanalyticsworld.net/ Covering a range of topics, from analytics and SEO to digital marketing trends.

  36. LunaMetricshttps://www.bounteous.com/insights/ Now under Bounteous, Lunametrics offers insights on Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and digital marketing.

  37. Brian Clifton’s Bloghttps://brianclifton.com/blog/ Brian Clifton, a former Googler, delves deep into Google Analytics and other measurement tools.

  38. WebSavvyhttps://www.websavvy.com.au/ A Google Ads agency providing insights into Google Analytics, Ads, and the broader digital marketing landscape.

  39. Jellyfish Training Bloghttps://www.jellyfish.com/en-us/training/blog Offering insights and trends in digital marketing, analytics, and best practices.

  40. Peregrine Webhttps://peregrineweb.com/blog/ Focuses on analytics from a technical standpoint, covering tools and their intricacies.

  41. Dataddo Bloghttps://www.dataddo.com/blog Offers insights into data integration, analytics best practices, and data visualization.

  42. Ben Collins’ Bloghttps://www.benlcollins.com/blog/ A specialist in Google Sheets, Ben Collins provides tutorials that often intersect with analytics.

  43. KPI Libraryhttps://www.kpilibrary.com/ A resource hub for performance indicators across various industries.

  44. DAA (Digital Analytics Association)https://www.digitalanalyticsassociation.org/ The association offers resources, events, and certifications for analytics professionals.

  45. Optimizely’s Bloghttps://www.optimizely.com/insights/blog/ Diving into A/B testing, experimentation, and analytics.

  46. Distilledhttps://www.distilled.net/resources/ Covering SEO, digital marketing, and analytics with in-depth guides and articles.

  47. Mozhttps://moz.com/blog Although primarily an SEO platform, Moz’s blog touches upon analytics as it intersects with SEO.

  48. Simo Ahava’s Bloghttps://www.simoahava.com/ A respected figure in the Google Tag Manager world, Simo offers deep dives into GTM and Google Analytics.

  49. Analytics Ninjahttps://www.analytics-ninja.com/blog.html Yehoshua Coren shares expert insights on digital analytics, with a focus on Google’s tools.

  50. E-Nor Analyticshttps://www.e-nor.com/blog/ Touches upon a variety of analytics topics, tools, and best practices.

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